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martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Food & Drinks

IE students have lots of discounts when it comes to places to eat and drink, so take advantage of it! In this post we will show you where you can find the best places and pay less than everyone else just because you are at IE, so don't forget to bring with you your student card!

1. LOTS coffee house: Up to 25% discount 

Location: Calle del Gral Oraá 40 (only 1 block away from MM31)

2. Indian Restaurants: 25% discount

DIWALI, location: Calle Lope de Rueda 19
CURRY MASALA, location: Calle Silva 16
ARPIT, location: Calle Maria Tubau 19

2. SUSHICATESSEN (Sushi): 10% discount in take away and delivery

Location: to look up for your closest store

3. COMIDA&COMIDA: 10% discount

This is a platform developed by a former IE student that had saw the need of getting healthy food when he was studying but couldn't, so what he did is create this platform that offers ready-to-serve meals for those who don't have the time or the skills to cook. Your dishes will be sent within 48-72h and you can have them in your fridge up to 30 days because they come in baccum packed portions.

Location: order here


Nachos or Quesadilla + 4 beers for 10 Euros everyday from 20h00
Pizza + 4 beers for 15 Euros everyday from 20h00
Happy hour 2x1 + 10% discount in dinners

Location: Calle López de Hoyos, 9


Location: Calle Maria de Molina 50

6. GINOS RISTORANTE: Menu for 12,95 Euros

Location: Calle Velázquez 136

7. DEVOUR SPAIN MEDIA KIT: 10% discount off listed price

Location: Calle Gran Via 5, 3D

8. CERVECERIA SIBILA: 10% discounts on cash payments, 8% discount on card payments

Location: Calle Velázquez 120

We hope this is useful!!!

Survival Spanish

Hello warriors! Are you looking to survive the first weeks of coming to Madrid? We will provide you with the basic Spanish you will need to settle and live in this beautiful city. We are going to assume you already know how to say hello, goodbye and introduce yourself because you probably learnt it at school ;)

Arriving to Madrid

It is very common to feel lost when you first arrive to a new city, so here are some useful sentences to get around.

- ¿Dónde está...? "Where is...?" You can fill the blank with your street name, your hotel name...

-¿Dónde hay un banco? "Is there a bank nearby?"

-¿Dónde hay un restaurante/bar/supermercado? "Is there a restaurant/bar/supermarket nearby?"

-¿Dónde hay un hospital? "Is there a hospital nearby?"

-¿Dónde está la policía? "Where can I find the police?" Hopefully you won't need it, but it is not the first time a student gets its bag stolen, so that's where you would have to go to!

- Derecha/Izquierda/Derecho/En la esquina "Right/Left/Straight ahead/In the corner"

-Necesito ayuda "I need help"

-¿Dónde puedo encontrar a alguien que hable inglés? "Where can I find someone that speaks English?

-¿Cuánto cuesta? "How much does it cost?"

-¿Disculpe, qué hora es? "Excuse me, what time is it?"

Eating/drinking out

- Tengo una reserva para 4 personas "I have a reservation for 4 people"

- Quiero... "I want..."

- Una cerveza, por favor "A beer please"

- Un vaso de vino blanco/tinto, por favor "A glass of white/red wine, please"

- No como carne/pescado/lácteos "I don't eat meat/fish/dairy" in case you have any alimentary restriction.

- Un café sin azucar  "A coffee without sugar"

- La cuenta, por favor "The bill please"

- ¡Salud! "Cheers!"

At the club

- Hola guapa/guapo "Hello pretty girl/handsome boy"

- ¿Cómo te llamas? "What's your name?"

-¿Quieres tomar algo? "Would you like something to drink?"

- ¡Vámonos de fiesta!  "Let's go party!"

- Encantado/a de conocerte "Nice to meet you"

We believe that with this basic Spanish you will be able to properly least the first few weeks!

Main takeaways from an actual MIM student

In today's article we interviewed Ilaria P., a current MIM student from Sept 16' intake. She is a Social Rep and is following the S...